Fixed electric chain hoists, also called hook type chain hoists, are the most widely used material handling solutions. With the proper fixed electric chain hoist, we are able to lift and move the heavy objects and loads at the press of a button. With proper fixed chain hoist, we are able to work with more efficiency, saving more energy, time and money in some extend. With proper fixed electric chain hoist, we are able to make our working environment with high safety and saves life, living a more enjoyable life.
Fixed Chain Hoist
Hook type chain hoist
First, read and understand the manual of your fixed chain hoist. Carefully read and follow all the directions, safety instructions, and suggestions relating to chain hoist installation and its usage. It’s necessary that you check and verify the strength of the structure to that you may be attaching the unit. Carefully examine the hooks, chains, pulleys, brakes and limit switch to make sure they are properly working and take away or repair the broken and exhausted components. The chains should be properly oiled. Don’t attempt lifting the load that weighs over the capacity of the chain hoist as falling or dropping of its components will cause injury and property damage. Support the hoist adequately throughout the installation.
Make sure you are using a rated bolt shackle, remove the bolt and fit it into the mounting point with the shackle. Tighten the nut back in place and make sure you replace the safety pin. Make sure the bolt shackle is resting on the bolt before installing the unit.
Hook type chain hoist for sale
On the chain hoist, first, open the safety latch located on the top hook. Slide the hook onto the shackle in the direction you want the unit to be. Make sure you release the safety latch after the installation. It’s important to confirm that the security latch isn’t open, an open safety latch may result in slipping of the chain hoist from the shackle whereas the load is being raised.
When you finish with the installation, test the chain hoist and ensure that is properly working. Test load the unit by raising and lowering the load a number of times before putting the unit on service, this may help you to detect and correct any defect or malfunction the setup may have.